Why there is more to Tenerife than great beaches

If you’re after sun, sand, and sea, Tenerife’s a great place to choose for a holiday. Beach breaks here are popular, but there’s a lot more to do than just lie on the shore. Moreover, the water sports, national parks, and vibrant carnivals are just some of the things you can look forward to. Here are some of the key reasons I think there’s more to Tenerife than this:

More To Tenerife:

So, I think it’s a shame that Tenerife holidays seem to be primarily dedicated to lazing on the sand and working on your tan.


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Anywhere that hosts such a fantastic carnival as the Carnaval in Santa Cruz immediately has far more to offer travelers than beaches alone. There are plenty of people who think the festivities here which are generally held for around three weeks in February rival the famous Rio de Janeiro Carnival. Praise indeed!

During the festivities, Santa Cruz becomes a city of 24-hour partying. There’s everything from costume competitions to gala performances, so expect a riot of color and noise. One word of warning, though: if you want to stay in the city around the time of the carnival. You do need to book as far in advance as possible.

The Attractions Of Santa Cruz:

The attractions of Santa Cruz
Image by: Pixabay

During the rest of the year, Santa Cruz is hardly devoid of attractions – particularly if you want to experience something of the local culture or get to grips with the island’s history. Should the latter take your fancy, get to the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción – a bit of a mouthful, I know. This is the city’s oldest church, and what’s interesting about it is that if you look at the silver altar.  You’ll see the Santa Cruz de la Conquista (which roughly translates as the Holy Cross of the Conquest). Sound familiar? Since it’s what gave the city its name. It’s also worth checking out the city’s markets. Like the Mercado de Nuestra Senora de Africa. This relatively small market is a great place to buy local produce – mainly fruit, bread, and cheeses – and has an interesting Central American vibe.

Its Volcanic Landscape:

Its volcanic landscape
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Forget the dreamy sight of Tenerife’s beaches for a moment. The island’s volcanic landscape, which is best seen in Teide National Park. It is equally deserving of your attention especially since Mount Teide is the most prominent peak in Spain (3,718 m).y

It’s well worth ascending this dormant volcano, and you can do so via cable car or, if you’re a bit more energetic, on foot. Cable car services run daily between 9:00 and 16:00 local time (except in terrible weather, then you probably wouldn’t want to go up anyway!) to a viewing point called La Rambla.

Hike Up:

Hike Up
Image by: Pixabay

Alternatively, you can hike up in the company of a guide (there are tours available in English, which is handy if your Spanish isn’t so hot) from either the visitors’ center at Canada Blanca or El Portillo. Usually, the walk will take around two hours, and there are plenty of short rest stops, so as long as you’re reasonably fit, the ascent shouldn’t prove too much of a challenge. Plus, you get some great views from the top! You can even see neighboring islands like La Gomera.

By Alex B

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